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Med J Islam Repub Iran ; 36: 162, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36820333


Background: Ensuring and maintaining people's health is one of the most important programs in every country. The aim of the present study was to identify successful experiences of hospital service quality resilience during the coronavirus pandemic. Methods: The present qualitative study was conducted using a content analysis method from September 2021 to April 2022. Seventeen senior and middle managers of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences and affiliated hospitals assigned as coronavirus centers were purposefully included. Data were analyzed using Graneheim and Lundman's method and MAXQDA 2020 software. The results of this study identified successful experiences that affected the quality of hospital services during the pandemic. Results: Five main themes were identified:" Supporting University of Medical Sciences, Improving the hospital process, human resource, Medical, and pharmaceutical equipment and Welfare Facilities" and 31 sub-themes. Conclusion: The resilience of hospital service quality was one of the governing indicators of the Ministry of Health during the coronavirus pandemic. Despite the many challenges in pandemic management and control, hospitals have made efforts in this field to create successful experiences that make it even more important to prepare hospitals for new epidemic conditions.

Rev. luna azul ; (44): 294-315, ene.-jun. 2017. map, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-902052


En el presente trabajo se exponen tres experiencias exitosas de educación ambiental (EA), que se han venido aplicando y evaluando en los últimos cuatro años en el nivel medio superior (Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios 212 de Tetla de la Solidaridad, Tlaxcala), a través del curso "Ecología" que se imparte en el cuarto semestre a los estudiantes de las diferentes especialidades, con la finalidad de fomentar y despertar su conciencia ambiental para el cuidado y conservación de su entorno escuela-comunidad. La investigación se desarrolla en el marco de la metodología cualitativa, se utiliza la observación directa, tareas, bitácoras y un cuestionario que se aplicó en promedio a 120 estudiantes por año. Como resultado de cada experiencia, se obtienen alumnos capaces de establecer acciones y actividades viables, lúdicas y creativas para mitigar el deterioro ambiental de su escuela-comunidad. Asimismo, son competentes para obtener información de forma directa e indirecta, diseñar programas y proyectos ecológicos, ampliar sus habilidades, actitudes, competencias y compromisos para solucionar y mitigar problemas de su entorno.

Three successful experiences of Environmental Education (EE), which have been applied and evaluated in the last four years at the high school level (Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios 212 de Tetla de la Solidaridad , Tlaxcala), through the Ecology course that is given in the fourth semester to the students of the different specialties are presented in this work, with the purpose of promoting environmental awareness for the care and conservation of their school-community environment. The investigation develops in the frame of qualitative methodology using direct observation, tasks, logs and a questionnaire that was applied in average to 120 students per year. As result of each experience, there are students capable of establishing viable, playful and creative actions and activities to mitigate the environmental deterioration of their school-community. Likewise, they are competent to obtain information of direct and indirect form, to design programs and ecological projects, to extend their skills, attitudes, comptetences and commitments in order to solve and to mitigate problems of their environment.

Humanos , Educación en Salud Ambiental , Adolescente , Educación Primaria y Secundaria , Ambiente
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 11(supl): 1291-1302, 2006. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-471493


O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os êxitos e os limites de experiências nacionais na prevenção da violência e indicar possibilidades de enfrentamento do problema.A pesquisa que dá origem ao artigo consistiu em um estudo de caso de nove experiências, seguindo princípios da triangulação de métodos. Foram aplicados questionários quantitativos e realizadas entrevistas (individuais e grupais). Os resultados apontam que os principaisêxitos relatados são: informação para a cidadania; preparação para o trabalho; envolvimento de crianças e adolescentes em atividades lúdicas e educativas e o fortalecimento da auto-estima dos jovens e crianças participantes. As maiores dificuldades das experiências são a manutenção financeira e a articulação de suas propostas com as de outros grupos e instituições. O estudo leva a concluir que essas experiências, ainda que não sejam as únicas bem-sucedidas no País, apontam para um horizonte novo pela forma como atuam, inovando e criando uma práxis diferenciada na abordagem da violência.

The present study analyzes the success of Brazilian experiences engaged in prevention of violence as well as their limitations, and seeks to show ways for a solution of the problem. The investigation underlying this article consisted in a case study of nine experiences, using triangulation of methods. For this purpose, we used questionnaires and interviewed individuals and groups. Successful results were mainly: informed citizenship,work preparation, involvement of children and adolescents in recreating and educative activities, and increased self-esteem of the children and teens involved in the experiences. The greatest difficulties found were the lack of funds and of articulation of proposals with other groups and institutions. These experiences are not the only successful ones carried out in the country, but they point to a new horizon by innovating and creating a different practical approach to violence.

Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , Apoyo Social , Actividades Recreativas , Heridas y Lesiones/prevención & control , Investigación sobre Servicios de Salud , Política Pública , Promoción de la Salud , Violencia/prevención & control , Brasil , Estudios de Casos Organizacionales